(July 7, 2020)
The NJSEA continues to move forward in its efforts to properly close and cap the Keegan Landfill including grading and contouring of the site so that it will be ready for the installation of the final cover system.
There have been no regulatory exceedances of hydrogen sulfide since February 16, 2020. The gas collection and control system expansion has been installed and is operational as of March 16, 2020. The permanent enclosed blower/flare system and hydrogen sulfide treatment system has been installed and is ready to operate upon receipt of a permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).
(For recent data from the eight emissions monitoring stations installed around the Keegan Landfill click here)
The NJSEA has met all requirements, deadlines and deliverables of the Administrative Consent Order entered into with the NJDEP in March 2020 regarding the process of closing and capping the Keegan Landfill while eliminating hydrogen sulfide exceedances and any off-site odors in the interim.
On July 7, the NJSEA submitted the closure and post closure plan to the NJDEP, which includes the engineering design of the final cover system in accordance with NJDEP regulations and approvals.